
Pookie is very angry about Blogger and prefers not to show her very upset face ! She is not amused !
But here is
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us WRITER CRAMPS with sidebar ! Image Hosted by ImageShack.uslast clean up Image Hosted by ImageShack.us and pay the cleaners a drink and it's
but not the end of writer cramps Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Link


Jeanette said...

Hi Gattina Poor Pookie is upset im off to your new spot.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Sorry to hear you are having challenges. Good luck with your move, Gattina.

Come on over for a visit when you get a chance.

Gledwood said...

Not amused! That's what cats do best ... but she has a beautiful collar!!

TorAa said...

Nice farewell, but the new URL was not found??

Pamela said...

tessy is upset with blogger too.
She puked up a hairball the size of her tail all over the carpet in the living room.


Raggedy said...

Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Nice to see you, I like your blog, very colorful and has many interesting things in there.

Anonymous said...
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