

Memes ???? what's that ???

Friday Feast must be delayed !

Kuanyin "tagged" me !! She dared ! Usually I don't like "tagging" I can see some on the wall of our train station, but I thought to just consider it as an interview and make an exception.

1. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog

A miracle ! A get together of the whole world ! (my second name is Modesty)

2. Are you a spiritual person?

Oh yes ! ! Deep sigh, closing eyes, 5 sec, opening eyes wide, illuminated look to the crumbly sealing...... smiling misteriously. (try to do the same)

my dearest wish is to become a blog myth ! With a 1 m long sidebar of AWARDS !

3. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

my laptop, Internet and a dictionary and (Pookie of course) to kill the time until somebody finally shows up and comes to rescue me

4. What's your favorite childhood memory?

When I could get on the nerves of all people around me and drive them crazy !

5. Is this your first meme?

Oh yes ! I am a very shy person and don't want to divulge my interior thinkings.

Ah ! (waking up) is that all ?? Then I leave, I have memes to do ! 100 questions ! No time to blog anymore !

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FRIDAY FEAST Catering service is repaired at now 4.30 pm ! Hope you are still hungry ! Here is the Menu

Appetizer Tell about a time when you had to be brave.

All the time ! since I am married for 38 years and it still continues !

Soup Which upcoming movie are you excited about seeing?

Salad Name an item you try to always have on hand.

My cigarettes ! and please be free to tell my that smoking is not healthy I know (my father already gave it up on me because I knew everything better) But don't write waterfalls in my comments !

Main Course Imagine the most relaxing room you can think of. Now describe it!

One with a nice big jazzy in pink (!) with flowers around me and a Magnum bottle of champagne !

Dessert On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), how spiritual or religious are you?

Ouf ! 1 % perhaps ? see above my interview


Melli said...

I will be delayed this morning too! I have to work the EARLY shift! (open) So I'm ust opening an eye with a cup of coffee and you....

Darling... to have a 1 m long sidebar with awards, one must first HAVE a sidebar!!! And MY dream is to one day be as spiritual as you! I'm afraid I didn't quite master that "illuminated look"! ;)

TorAa said...

Simply love your second name: Modesty;))

Have a great weekend.

I'm still without internet at the summerhome:(

MaR said...

I almost can hear you singing "Imagine": You may say I'm a dreamer,but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as ooooone!

Mabybe your sidebar is on sabbathical or something...
happy friday :)

Anonymous said...

I still smoke too, so I understand.


I like the idea of your room, that does sound like a wonderful place to be.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your appetizer answer!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Gattina. Great feast.

Anonymous said...

Your salad made me laugh! Congratulations on being married for 38 years! That is a feat in itself! :) Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk on your salad, a bad habit you got there ;). I could write waterfalls in your comments but I suppose you probably know as well how bad it is for your health :P.

Mz Jackson said...

Don't worry, I won't lecture you! My mother-in-law smoked when she was alive and I saw how hard it was for her to quit.

RennyBA said...

Great meme and a good way to know you even better - thanks for sharing!
We are two of a kind. I couldn't survive without my my laptop and Internet either.
Wishing you a wonderful end to your week:-)

Anonymous said...

Bonsoir Gattina!Alors nous appartenons toutes les deux à cette espèce en voie de disparition: les dinausores! Moi ça fait 25 ans que je suis mariée avec Pierre! et je crois bien que tous les amis qui se sont mariés en même temps que nous sont tous ou à peu près tous divorcés!
Le seul moment où on a failli se quitter c'est quand Pierre a arrêté la cigarette! Ce fut un moment cauchemardesque!
Alors Gattina, je te blâme pas de préferer passer tes vacances en Italie! La côte d'Azur c'est ma spécialité et je sais combien certains commerçants sont peu scrupuleux et sur les prix et sur la qualités des prestations!
Encore que depuis deux, trois ans ça va un peu mieux!
Pour moi cet été, le programme c'est vendre notre maison mais en ce moment l'immobilier ça stagne!
Cette semaine "Le Canard Enchainé" a fait un gros titre sur Sarko:
"ça commence Malte pour Sarko!"