Appetizer Name two things that made you smile this week.
Only two things ! My cat Arthur slept deep and peacefully on the dining table and suddenly dropped on the floor like a stone and looked at us with huge asking eyes and a very astonished look !
When the doorbell rang and I opened the door, saw a man in grey and said "You loose your time I am budhist and blooddonor" thinking it was a Jehova witness and it was my neighbor to give me his keys because they went away for the weekend.
But both made me rather laugh then smile !
Soup Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________?
the phone rings in the middle of the night and somebody tells me "sorry I thought you were Mrs. Ratshit" (or something else)
Salad When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
A Valium (I usually put my head on the pillow and I am gone !)
Main course What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer.
The fact that I am married since 37 years and still with the same man !
Dessert What is your favorite pasta dish?
Mr. Gattino (without the word "pasta", he is Italian)
Don’t miss our fabulous cyber cruise organized by
The cruise will stop in Waterloo on Sunday !
ooo... good one. Valium will do it every time. ;-) Have a blast on your cruise!
Good for you on your main course. I guess you two were made for each other.
Take care,
My feast is up.
Enjoy your cruise!
Great Friday Feast!
My feast is served.
Have a wonderful day!
(")_ (")Š
Hi Gattina.
Pookie is enjoying her friday feast. "I hate it when the phone rings in the middle of a meal and the pesty saleperson trying to sell you something." ....
I had to laugh at your appetizer! My cat does this every now and then too.. to funny! Hey I'm married to an Italian too.. should have said him as well *giggle*
Have a great Friday!
I'd hate it if the phone rang in the night... if I could hear it, that is. I guess if it were important they'd call my cell, which is on my nightstand. hey, don't get any ideas! :)
Talk about a rude awakening for your poor cat! It made me smile too. Happy feasting and cruising.
A very delightful feast! I had to laugh at your soup, funny.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yep, I can see how a wrong number in the middle of the night can be annoying. Fortunately, I don't get that much. Your cats are funny too. Great Feast!
Thanks for visiting!
Sooooo... Mr. Gattino is a "dish", huh? Is HE coming on the cruise?
Both your appetizers made me laugh - and I didn't even get to witness them! ( i dO wish i'd thought of that line when JW's used to come calling at MY house! )
What a great feast - my mouth was watering while reading!
Good to see you on board on the cyber cruise already! Don't worry about the money, I'm sure we can sort things out when we are going to Oslo on Saturday:-)
You are as always very funny Gattina. I love your appetizer :)
*LOL* Such a funny feast. I´m still giggeling about the Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert =)
Die Schwimmweste steht Dir wirklich ausgezeichnet!
This was a yummy funny feast!
I LOVED your appetizer!!!
You're welcome at my "Pink Diner" at any time! Please stop by and enjoy your meal...
Hugs and happy feasting
Sweet like Kitty
A most excellent feast indeed. HAve a great weekend.
That's funny. Arthur must have been in dreamland before he fell. Glad he didn't get hurt.
I can relate with your soup. I hate it when the phone rings in the middle of the night only to find out they got the wrong number or worse getting a prank call.
Happy weekend!
Gattina you are most witty today!
Love your Friday Feast.
Thanks for visiting.
Say hey to the kitties for me.
Waving at you from a snowy New York,
Love your dessert!!!Mr Gattino sure sounds like a long-lasting dessert (congrats on those 37 years!)
happy friday, see u on board!
That was just too funny about your neighbor and the keys....
Ship Ahoy! Stop theat gambling for a minute now, your breaking the casino bank!
Time for some heavy seightseeing of Stockholm! All man on deck!
Great post!
Am i allowed to laugh at the cat falling off too?
I love the blood donor line, i use that all the time with those pests (not my neighbours though!)
Great feast! I love your appetizer. Happy Friday and thanks for visiting!
Oh my cat has done similiar drop - and acted like it was my fault.
I need to be kinder to the Jehovah's Witnesses, even thought I don't like any kind of salesman calling me or coming to my door.
I like Italian Pasta!
Have weekend!
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